Friday, October 30, 2009

Thank You Governor Tim Pawlenty

Dear Governor Tim Pawlenty,

I want to thank you for your personal leadership in resolving the budget deficit. DFL leaders proposed $2B in tax increases in the worst recession since the Great Depression. I really don't know how they can look at themselves in the mirror everyday. It takes courage to stand up to 'tax and spend' liberals in this great progressive state we call Minnesota.

It is truly my belief that you acted within your authority to unallot. That doens't mean the other side has to like it or that it should go without a legal challenge but those are issues for the legislature not the courts. My only hope now is that the courts don't legislate from the bench. Should the opposition wish to attempt to change MN law than they should do so in session.

Hopefully, Lori Swanson, Attorney General, for the State of Minnesota can divest herself enough from her party to actually defend the Chief Executive's Authority under Minnesota law. If not, I would advise the State of Minnesota to seek outside council.

Good luck Governor Pawlenty, we're with you!

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