Friday, September 11, 2009

My Suggestions for Health Care Compromise

(Here is what I believe a true compromise should look like)


1) Guarantees Coverage for existing conditions
2) Prohibited from denying coverage because of a person's medical history
3) They will not be able to drop your coverage if you get sick
4) Focuses on prevention
5) Helps Seniors live independently


1) No federal dollars for Abortion Services (per Obama)
2) Medical Mal Reform to keep Dr.'s practicing medicine not defensive medicine (per R's & Obama)


2) Allow buying insurance across state lines
3) Allow private insurance pooling for individuals who are otherwise uncovered
4) Allow for private health insurance portability
5) Encourage HSA's
6) Recognize and encourage high deductible catastrophic coverage for some insureds (i.e. young adults)
7.) Allow private insurance companies to pool the (47) million Americans without coverage and have them compete for that business


1) Drop the public option in its entirety
2) Drop basic medical insurance mandate or allow opt out for some individuals and or #6/#7 above.

Finally pass this bill by October 1st or set it aside and re-focus on job creation and the economy!

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