Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stevens Should Not Seek a Recount

Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska is now reportedly down by over 3,700 votes with only 2,500 absentee ballots uncounted. Democrat Mayor of Anchorage Mark Begich appears to be the winner. Senator Ted Stevens has the right within Alaska state law to request a recount. While I am usually very much in favor of recounts, as I believe democracy is served when we can accurately verify close elections, I believe Senator Ted Stevens has been given a chance to "do the right thing." Having been convicted of corruption for accepting gifts from "big oil" he should concede immediately if he has any sense of decency left. He would save himself the expense of an arduous recount process and the headache of being ousted by his Senate colleagues anyways should he actually prevail.

Senator Stevens has already been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, there is no reason he should expect to keep his job at the bakery!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hillary Clinton Should be Considered for U.S. AG

Despite the rumors and apparent yearning for Hillary Rodham Clinton to become a part of President-Elect Barrack Obama's cabinet as U.S. Secretary of State, I for one believe the more appropriate place for her is as U.S. Attorney General. Mrs. Clinton would be a tireless legal advocate and represent the United States with zeal and without prejudice. The American people would be well served by her gung-ho no holds barred attitude and her Yale Law degree would serve us well.

Democrats Treat Lieberman Correctly

Democrats in the United States Senate treated Senator Lieberman correctly in allowing him to remain a part of their caucus, keeping his Homeland Security Committee Chairmanship, and only ousting him from chairing a subcommittee on Environment and Public Works, are to be commended as conciliatory and not motivated by revenge. Also deserving of a thumbs up is President-Elect Barack Obama who despite being the target of Senator Lieberman's defection called for Lieberman to retain his position in the caucus.

However, less we believe that American Politicians are returning to a days gone by civil approach to partisan politicking where those of opposing viewpoints can ardently disagree all day long and spend time together at night as friends and colleagues, the reality might be just a little more self serving.

Democrats in the U.S. Senate still have a shot at a cloture and filibuster proof 60 member majority. Should all three contested U.S. Senate races go Democrat and Lieberman remains in the caucus.