Monday, September 8, 2008

Presidential Election--Tie is a Mathematical Possibility

Not that I expect this turnout nor am I in favor of it but if you indulge me for a brief moment I would like to game out a scenario in which Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain end in a virtual electoral college tie that would be 269 v. 269.

Looking at the New York Times Electoral College map as your base:

If you assume all Solids and Leanings are correct you get.

McCain 227 to Obama 251

If McCain wins Ohio (20), Michigan (17), and takes one or the New Mexico or Nevada.


If Obama wins Colorado (9), New Hampshire (4), and again one or the other New Mexico or Nevada.

The end result would be 269 v. 269, neither winning the ability to claim the presidency.

What happens then?

House of Representatives votes for president and every state delegation gets a vote.

Senate elects the VP

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