Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lobbyists Wanted!


A recent TV ad by a particular U.S. Senate candidate discusses the issue of former and retiring Congressmen and women becoming lobbyists. Click here to view this ad spot on You Tube.

The ad suggests that Congress has been considering how long a former member has to wait before becoming a lobbyist either 1 or 2 years.

"Right now hundreds of former members represent big oil and special interests, no wonder gas is $4 a gallon. Something has got to change. If elected I will work to make sure former members of Congress never become lobbyists."


Here we go again! Another wanna-be politician running for Congress against Congress! Another politician making blanket statements equating all lobbyists and "special interests" as evil.

Time to debunk the myth!

Here are the facts.

Elected officials cannot not possibly be experts on every issue that comes before them. They rely on their staff and yes professional lobbyists to inform them on issues. It is a fundamental part of the system. Remember at some point lobbyists are just organized citizens.

Do some lobbyists represent big oil and big coal? Yes!
Are all lobbyists and 'special interests' bad? No!
Are there bad actors in every industry? Yes!
Should we punish the many on account of the few? No!
Is there something wholly un-American about dictating by law what job an individual pursue? Yes!

Remember the "Americans" all have lobbyists (American Heart Association, American Lung Association, American Medical Association) are you calling them 'special interests?' Should they be banned from Washington? Also, the Alzheimers Association has lobbyists should they not enjoy a quality and professional candidate who might also happen to be a former member of Congress with an extensive network and excellent knowledge of the process? If we allow some but not others then where do we draw the line?

It is time for all candidates to stop using sensationalistic but empty calls to end 'special interests' and lobbying.

Most lobbyists are exceptionally educated, professional, and highly dedicated to "doing the right thing."

Lobbyist does not necessarily equal "dirty, rotten, scoundrel!"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Why High Gas Prices!

Time for a little review. Just five years ago in July 0f 2003 Twin Cities gas average was 1.57 per gallon and as recently as December 23, 2006 we were paying $1.89 per gallon. So what is the real deal with gas prices. Who is to blame? The answers might just shock you!

Well if you are the kind of democrat that wants to believe everything that the liberal media spoon feeds you then you probably think that George Bush and his big oil tycoon, a la monoply, vice president and their ill founded and funded war are to blame for the worldwide increase is gas prices. However, the reality that couldn't be further from the truth. So what is keeping gas prices so high, we examine that question here together.

First the demand side of the issue. Industrialized nations throughout the developing world have increased their the overall global demand for fossil fuels. Just think about it why do you think Bejing looks worse than Los Angeles on every given day. Not to mention the U.S. continues to use its fair share now more than ever. This increase in demand puts price pressures on the barrel price of fuel keeping prices staggeringly high.

Second, the supply side of the issue. OPEC has a long history of intentionally withholding production to limit the supply of oil on the market at any given time. They actually meet, discuss the what their daily output should be, and are sophisticated enough to know exactly what the resulting barrel price, price per gallon, and more importantly what their return on investment will be. The general public must understand that OPEC has no incentive to increase supply and lower prices because that would in turn reduce their financial gains.

Third, the United States has a strategic reserve. The United States does hold significant strategic reserves. Their release always lowers prices.

Fourth, expanding drilling. The U.S. States in its wisdom has made it illegal for any further exploration or drilling in Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge. You can blame Democrats here. Dominanted by greenies these environmentalists are intentionally driving up prices to further their political agenda. $4 a gallon gasoline, they are reveling in moment and celebrating the success. They have the general public believing that only clean technology will fix our dependancy on foreign oil and fossil fuels all together. They love it!

Fifth, Democrats in Minnesota raised your gas tax. This is the flat out truth, ask them and they will tell you straight out that they raised your gas taxes at a time when gas prices were at an all time high. There is no avoiding this truism.

So what would drop the gas prices tomorrow?
-Decrease global demand.
-Force OPEC to increase production
-Exercise the U.S. Strategic Oil Reserve
-Legalize off shore and ANWR drilling
-Just begining the process of moving men an materials to the oil fields of ANWR would signal OPEC to drop prices. Oil would not even have to begin flowing before prices would drop and stabilize.
-Actually, recover ANWR oil and begin making it available to U.S. Citizens immediately. Export as little as strategically possible to keep global prices low.
Long Term:
-Invest in smart car technologies
-Invest in clean technology
-Switch grass bio-fuel has tremendous promise, could you imagine a fuel from the weeds growing at the side of the road.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

MN Senate Is Not Up for Re-Election

Yesterday (07/09/2008) the Associated Press released a story about a particular Minnesota DFL Senator who decided to resign the day after the election this year. This story immediately prompted the misinformed to post comments following the story stating it was a conspiracy and strategy. Some complained that extra money would be wasted on the special election. They wanted the Senator to pay for the cost of the special election out of his own pocket. They could not understand and cried foul about him waiting until the day after the election, so he would not be included in the general election.

News flash political uninformed masses who can't resist the temptation to comment about politics even though they obviously don't understand the system, the Minnesota Senate is not up for election this year. Therefore, he could not have the seat be decided in this years general election. And Why should he pay? In fact, it is to the citizen constituent's advantage that he not pay the cost of the special election and be in a position to exert undue influence on the result of an election.

Just one short message and a soon to be "Practical Politician" classic!

Tune in next time!

Practicial Politician seeks to educate the general public about MN politics, policy, and process. Examples are "ripped from the headlines" and reviewed to illustrate strategic points from the simplistic to the down right complex.